New members get 3 months free when they join, most members then pay around £16 a month.

Get a full breakdown of how much you can expect to pay here. If you have any queries about how much you’ll pay contact us.

Text in bold followed by an * indicates a field that is required.

Contact name

Please confirm your full name. (Please check spelling). This section must be completed to enable us to process your application.

d/m/yyyy format (e.g. 21/3/2008)
Address details

Please add details (please note your home address will be used for statutory ballots). 

Contact details

Please enter your contact details. A correct email address and telephone number are particularly important in case we need to contact you.

About you

Please note that some of the information in the following section is mandatory.

About your employer

Please complete the sections below. An answer is required in each section.

Authorisation to BECTU Sector of Prospect to deduct subscriptions from wages/salary

I authorise the BECTU Sector of Prospect to make arrangements with my employer to deduct periodically from my pay union subscriptions of 1% of my regular earnings, up to a limit of £29.17 per month. This rate may be revised subsequently in accordance with union rules.

Data Protection & Declaration

By submitting this application form and joining the BECTU Sector of Prospect, you agree that we can process your personal information for legitimate union activities. These include (but are not strictly limited to) member ballots, collective bargaining, personal cases, maintenance of records or providing workplace or industry updates. Full details can be found at Your personal information will be held by Prospect and will be treated as confidential, with appropriate security. You have the right to object to the way that we process your data at any time, and the details of how to do this are included in our privacy policy.

By submitting this application you declare 1) that to the best of your knowledge the answers provided in this application form are correct and 2) you agree to abide by the rules of Prospect. 

Prospect will not usually provide personal assistance in respect of any matter arising before an application for membership. Legal advice and assistance is offered at the discretion of the union.

You have the right to ask for a copy of your information or to request correction or deletion of any information held.

Please note that in order to make sure we follow your instructions correctly and to improve our service to you through staff training, we may monitor or record communication. This statement complies with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1988/GDPR. If you require further information you can write to our Data Compliance Officer, BECTU, 373-377 Clapham Road, London SW9 9BT or email [email protected] or call 020 7346 0900.

Member Offers from Third Parties and Equality Monitoring - please enter YES or NO (this is optional) in the boxes below to indicate whether you wish to receive information from us on these topics; we do not share members' data.

Member Offers from Third Parties - if you mark the box below YES you consent to Prospect sending you information about retail discounts and offers by email and on occasion by post. Prospect will contact you directly with this information; we never sell or transfer your data for marketing purposes (we don’t like spam either). The information may benefit you as Prospect uses members’ collective strength to negotiate reduced costs for holidays, energy and other leisure and shopping discounts. You can withdraw consent or amend your communication preferences at any time.

Equality Monitoring - if you mark the box below YES you consent to Prospect using your data for promoting equal opportunities and diversity monitoring (a form to request the data will be sent to you separately). Any information used will not identify individuals for these purposes. How this data is used can be found at You can withdraw consent at any time.

Use the button in the last box below to submit your application. Welcome to the BECTU Sector of Prospect. 

Please check the accuracy of all the information provided and then select the submit button.

Your application for membership will be processed as soon as possible.
