Action against BBC cuts
Unions have rallied across BBC sites to protest against proposed job cuts that could see the workforce reduced by 12%.
Members protest at BBC Newcastle
Activists and union reps from BECTU, the NUJ and Unite swooped on staff as they entered BBC buildings around the UK to hand them literature asking for their support in the fight to save 2,500 jobs and services across the corporation.
The protests were part of a wider union day of action across UK broadcasting, including ITV Meridian.
The BBC action coincided with the Corporation’s decision to send out letters on 5 November to staff asking for volunteers to come forward to take redundancy.
Previously the BBC had wanted to issue letters without giving staff the full details of which jobs in which departments would be affected and where new opportunities may arise.
The scene at BBC Southampton
The joint union’s forced the BBC to back down over this issue until a national framework was put in place to ensure transparency across all departments.
This framework is now in place and the unions are watching carefully to see how the BBC will proceed.
Staff were extremely supportive of the union’s action and showed solidarity with colleagues whose departments are under threat.
One staff member commented: “The BBC think they can cut jobs and that new technology will solve all the problems. They’re wrong. The new stuff creates just as much work.”
Another said: “This isn’t just about fighting redundancies, it’s also about the design of jobs for the young workers of tomorrow” indicating staff’s loyalty to the BBC and its future as the world leading public service broadcaster.
London Broadcasting House
Members outside BBC Edinburgh
Monday 19 November 2007