Recognition sought for EastEnders

BECTU kicked off a recognition campaign last month for freelance members working on EastEnders, the BBC's flagship drama.

Campaign covers all EastEnders freelances

BECTU officials and reps visited the set and handed out a petition for freelances to sign.

Members have complained to union officials and reps primarily around the issue of pay.

National Official Spencer MacDonald, said: "Many freelances, who have not had a pay rise for up to seven years in some cases, are unaware that they are working alongside permanent staff who enjoy regular pay rises every year. Management say the budgets won't stretch to increasing their rates, but our freelances have been losing out for too long now."

Those affected include all 'Schedule D' freelances and casual employees who work on EastEnders.

MacDonald went on to say: "Freelances on the show feel extremely vulnerable and unable to speak out for fear of not being hired again. BECTU wants to be able to give freelances a voice and help fight for better working terms and conditions on their behalf. I urge everyone affected to sign the petition as soon as possible. You don't have to be a member to sign it either, we want everyone's support."

He asserted that all petitions received by BECTU will be kept strictly confidential and not released to the employer.

The union has been recognised to represent permanent and fixed-term contract staff at the BBC for many years and already has freelance recognition in three areas:

  • BBC Resources
  • BBC Scotland
  • Natural History Unit

Download the petition [2MB pdf], print it off, fill it in and either fax or send it back to BECTU at the Freepost address listed.

Please note: email petitions cannot be accepted.

Wednesday 12 December 2007