Future Positive Womens Conference
BECTU’s Annual Women’s Conference on Saturday 22 November 2008 has adopted a Future Positive theme.
Women at the 2007 conference.
Registration for the all-day event at the TUC’s Congress House in London is open to all women BECTU members.
The only qualifications needed are an interest in discovering more about what BECTU is doing for women and an interest in getting involved.
Kate Elliott, BECTU National Official and Equality Officer, working with BECTU’s Equality and Diversity Committee, is planning a full programme encompassing workshops on:
- Self defence.
- Public speaking.
- Goal setting for the female friendly workplace.
- Networking and campaigning.
The day also offers:
- Guest speakers and seminars.
- Stalls.
- To end the day pub quiz for women.
Find out more in the conference background document [81k pdf].
To reserve a place at the conference contact Tracey Hunt, email [email protected] or telephone 020 7346 0923 at BECTU Head Office.
Wednesday 22 October 2008