Action at English National Opera

BECTU is poised to run an industrial action ballot among members working for English National Opera, after the company's final offer on pay and conditions was rejected.

The decision by BECTU members in ENO's technical running departments to turn down the company's offer came after more than a year of talks. During the discussions ENO management pressed the union to accept proposals for higher productivity, lower pay rates, and more flexible scheduling. The company wanted to introduce an annualised hours system for calculation of overtime payments, which would significantly reduce earnings for most employees.

Members were said to be "insulted" by the company's final offer, which was condemned as a "retrograde step".

Despite the breakdown in talks, union negotiators said that they were still willing to reach a new agreement with ENO which incorporated some of the changes sought by management.

However, if no conciliatory moves are made by the company, BECTU plans to ballot its members in ENO for industrial action, and is expecting solid support for its efforts to win a better deal.

19 May 1999