RSC recognition ballot underway

After a year and a half of campaigning, a ballot in which RSC workers can vote for union recognition is finally underway.

Over 230 staff from Royal Shakespeare Company stage, front of house and hire wardrobe departments will get ballot papers by 4 April.

“This is about working together and building a better workplace for the future”

At access meetings over the last week, BECTU official Anna Murray called on everyone to use his or her vote. Some staff were unsure if they had to be in the union to vote but they were reassured "everyone can vote - whether they are in the union or not; whether they have a permanent contract or not".

National Officials Willie Lesslie and Lynne Korniak reminded people of the importance of organising across the theatre industry to improve terms and conditions.

The meeting heard about vocational training being organised by the union, agreements to set up BECTU training suites in theatres, and how organised Branch Committees have won important changes at work.

BBC Division Chair Mark Scrimshaw told a meeting how important union organisation was to "keep good employers from going bad" but also emphasised the forward thinking role that unions play in making sure members' access skills for the future.

BECTU reps Kevin Carson, Alison Mitchell and Mary Taylor had a special message for those about to leave at the end of fixed-term contracts or under redundancy: "This is about working together, not just for those of us working at the RSC today, but about building a better workplace for the future.

"We can all help to do that. Even if you think its of no relevance to you, please support us and vote yes to recognition".

The ballot closes on 16 April 2007.

31 March 2007