BBC 1997 Salary Management advice

Advice for BBC staff about appealing against decisions arising from this year's salary management decisions.

Over the past few days BBC staff should have received a letter concerning this year's salary management exercise, including the 2.8% standard pay rise.

All BBC staff will have received the standard increase and a small number will also have received a performance related pay rise. Staff who did not receive this additional payment have the right to appeal.

When staff start a new job management must tell the individual concerned what the fully competent rate is for that post and how long it will take to reach that level.

Those in a substantive post before February 7 1995 will have either reached the fully competent rate for the job, and are therefore not entitled to a growth in the job payment, or will will have their incremental expectations met. If staff are below the fully competent rate for their job designation, then such postholders may be entitled to a 'growth in the job' payment.

Staff wishing to lodge an appeal should write to their Personnel Officer, using the wording below as a basis for their letter, within 14 days of receiving notification of their salary increase:

Dear Personnel Officer,

I am writing to advise you that I wish to appeal against your decision not to give me an increase in salary above the standard pay award and do so under Section 2.1.1. (d) of Agreed Statement C5a, 'Appeals & Grievances'.

Prior to my appeal being heard I would expect to be provided with all of the relevant paperwork concerning how management have reached their decision on my salary level together with details of how performance increases were awarded for my category.

I may exercise my right to be accompanied by a union representative.

Yours sincerely

BBC Member of Staff

For further advice get in touch with your local BECTU representative or contact BECTU Head Office BBC Division.

13 August 1997
Revised 14 August 1997