BBC Millennium offer

Following negotiations the BBC has made an improved offer to compensate staff for working during the Millennium period.

Union members across the BBC are to be balloted on the proposals, which include additional payments and arrangements covering leave, travel and accommodation for staff working 31 December 1999 and 1 January 2000.

The proposals, made by the BBC following a number of meetings during which a previous offer of a £85 payment for working on the two days was rejected by the unions, involve a number of elements:

  • Payment
    A payment of £200 will be made to any member of staff working on any part of either 31 December 1999 or 1 January 2000 subject to the note below. This payment will be supplemented by further £300 if any the work falls between 2100 on 31 December and 0900 on 1 January.
    • Note: A member of staff working during any part of the period from 2100 on 31 December to 0900 on 1 January would therefore receive £500. This would be the maximum additional payment made under this provision, i.e. the payment of £300 subsumes a second £200 payment and a further £200 payment would not be triggered if say a member of staff completed a turn of duty at 2200 on the 31st thereby receiving £500, and then had a further turn of duty on the 1st.
    Should any member of staff work an aggregate of 24 hours or more on the 31st and 1st an additional £100 will be paid. This will be paid in addition to the £500 referred to above.

    A payment of £100 will be paid to those who need to be on standby during this period. In the event of them being required to come into work this payment will be made up to the appropriate level in line with the arrangements outlined above.

  • Leave
    The government has designated 31 December 1999 as an additional Bank Holiday and anyone working on that day will receive a day off in lieu. It is proposed that any member of staff working on any part of 1 January 2000 should also receive an additional day's leave.

  • Travel
    Where public transport is not available, or where it is needed to maintain maximum flexibility, it is proposed that staff using their own cars on the 31st or 1st may claim the full duty milage rate. Under current Inland Revenue regulations this will be taxable.

  • Accommodation
    Since accommodation might be at a premium on the night of 31st/1st, it is proposed in these circumstances that the BBC will either book accommodation in advance for staff or agree in advance that reasonable actuality claims for meals and accommodation will be accepted.

  • Leave applications
    Applications for leave during this period can be made until the end of March 1999, with a first response being made by the end of April. If subsequent problems arise about the number of staff that can be granted leave, such issues will be dealt with locally.
At the last meeting to discuss this issue central BBC management agreed to look into reports that some areas are refusing to accept leave applications for the Millennium period as these areas are still unclear about operational commitments.

BBC management have also indicated that, wherever possible, work over the period by staff will be voluntary.

Letter sent to members with ballot forms

1st March 1999

Dear Colleagues

Millennium Holiday Arrangements

The Joint Unions met the BBC on the 9th February to discuss further the arrangements for the Millennium Weekend. The Joint Unions informed the BBC that their original offer of £200 per day for the 31st December and the 1st January was unacceptable. We demanded a comprehensive agreement which covered payments and additional leave for those who had to work, travel and accommodation and arrangements for taking annual leave. On the 26th February the BBC tabled a new offer which we believe represents a significant improvement on their previous position, it is also better than most deals being agreed with other Unions. We outline below the offer that the Joint Unions recommend you accept.

  • A payment of £200 will be made to any member of staff working on any part of either the 31st December 1999 or 1st January 2000, subject to the note below.

  • Such payment will be supplemented by a further £300 if any of the work falls between 21.00 on 31st December and 09.00 on 1st January.

  • Note: A member of staff working during any part of the period from 21.00 on 31st December to 09.00 on 1st January would therefore receive £500. This would be the maximum additional payment made under this provision, i.e. the payment of the £300 subsumes a second £200 payment and a further £200 payment would not be triggered if say a member of staff completed a turn of duty at 22.00 on the 31st thereby receiving £500, and then had a further turn of duty on the 1st.

  • Should any member work an aggregate of 24 hours or more on the 31st December or 1st January an additional £100 will be paid. This is in addition to the £500 outlined above.


A payment of £100 will be made to those on standby. In the event of them being required to come into work this payment will be made up to the appropriate levels in line with the arrangements outlined above.


The Government has designated the 31st December as an additional bank holiday and anyone working on that day will receive a day off in lieu.

The BBC have agreed that any member working on any part of the 1st January should receive an additional days leave.

Leave Application

All requests for annual leave over the millennium weekend should be submitted to your manager by the 31st March with the management obliged to respond by 30th April. If problems arise about the numbers of staff that can be granted leave, the BBC agrees that this should be discussed locally between your Union reps and your Manager. It is important to remember if you want leave over this period you must apply before the 31st March.


When there is no public transport and staff wish to use their own car then the BBC will pay them full duty mileage rates. This is taxable under Inland Revenue regulations.


Because accommodation might be at a premium on the night of the 31st December/1st January, the BBC have agreed to either pay actuality or book accommodation for the staff involved in work away from home.

This offer is the best that can be achieved through negotiation and we believe deals fairly with the concerns of staff who are required to work. It also deals swiftly with the requirements for those wanting to take annual leave over this period.

The Joint Union's negotiating committee urges you to vote yes to this offer in the ballot paper enclosed with this letter. Please ensure your ballot paper is returned in the enclosed pre-paid envelope to reach the E.R.B.S no later than Friday 26th March.

Yours sincerely

Gerry Morrissey
John Fray
Ron O'Rourke
Area Official
Luke Crawley

1 March 1999
Amended 4 March 1999
Amended 5 March 1999