BBC sackings prompt strike vote

An industrial action ballot is underway among BECTU members at BBC World Service.

They are being asked if they will take industrial action in support of two NUJ members who were recently dismissed by World Service without being subjected to the normal disciplinary process.

BECTU's members at Bush House, where World Service is based, immediately called for a consultative ballot, in which nearly 65% of those voting indicated that they wanted to take part in a full strike ballot (below).

Papers have been now sent to Bush House members this week, along with an explanatory letter from the union emphasising the importance of BBC management following correct procedures in every case. Disagreements about the application of the BBC's disciplinary procedure would normally be referred to a National Level Meeting between senior managers and union officials, but in the case of the Bush sackings this was refused by management.

BECTU's ballot closes on May 9. NUJ members throughout the BBC have already begun an industrial action ballot, which is due to close on April 28.

Dear Colleague,


I am writing to inform you about the results of the consultative ballot which were as follows:

  • Are you prepared to be balloted for industrial action in support of the principle of a fair hearing for all staff?
    Yes 64.8%
    No 35.2%

Given the size of the majority in favour, BECTU is now balloting its members in Bush Branch for industrial action in support of the principle that all staff are entitled to a fair hearing and the right to an appeal.

Enclosed with this letter is a ballot paper asking you to vote for or against industrial action. The logic of the position is that having asked to be balloted you should now vote in favour of industrial action. Please do not waste your vote. Please take this opportunity to make your views known by completing your ballot paper and returning it today.

To remind you of the background to this case, on 19th February the BBC sacked two staff members in the World Service without a fair hearing and told them that there could be no appeal against their dismissal. This created a dangerous precedent for everyone employed by the BBC. We believe that all staff have a contractual and statutory right to a fair hearing, accompanied by their trade union representative.

If they are dismissed they also have the right to appeal against that decision. The Joint Unions have agreements with the BBC that should protect and guarantee those rights for all staff, regardless of the accusations against them. BECTU, with the NUJ, wrote to the BBC asking for a meeting to discuss why they felt able to ignore those important agreements so easily.

The BBC has refused to meet us. BECTU believes it is important to defend the rights of members and we believe that the two staff dismissed should have been given the opportunity to state their case. We believe that the BBC has failed to explain why it felt able to ignore our agreements. The point needs to be stressed that this is not about the personalities involved but about the right of every member of staff to a fair hearing, regardless of what they might or might not have done.

Enclosed with this letter is a ballot paper, and I would ask you consider the issues very carefully before voting. As a branch you have already made it clear you want to be balloted for industrial action on the principle of a right to a fair hearing. If the BBC feels it can dismiss these two staff members without needing to follow procedure it may do so again in the future.

If you are prepared to take action in support of the principle then the BBC will have to think again. If there is a yes vote it is very likely that the industrial action will take the form of strike action and we will be trying to co-ordinate our industrial action with the NUJ.

However you feel about this important issue, your vote is important. Please use it.

If you have any queries about this ballot of Bush branch members please contact Dave Langton on x72759 or BECTU Head Office on 020 7346 0900.

Yours sincerely,

Supervisory Official
BBC Division

25 April 2003