Revenue seeks new media views

The Inland Revenue is seeking BECTU's views on the tax status of new media freelances.

The Revenue is seeking the union's views on those grades or jobs in the new media sector which should be eligible for Schedule D status.

Schedule D is "self employed" tax status, and individuals who are registered for Schedule D can claim back tax on a range of business expenses.

BECTU has dealt with the UK Inland Revenue for years, and has successfully argued for Schedule D status for many senior freelance grades in the film and television industry. The Revenue knows BECTU, and takes the union serioulsy.

BECTU is therefore inviting new media professionals who earn their living by working on successive short-term contracts for different employers/clients, and have to invest in their own tools or equipment or regularly incur business costs, to feedback views on taxation to the union.

Contact Martin Spence [email protected] at BECTU Head Office with feedback or for more information.

20 May 2000