Call for peace in Mid-East

International trades unionists have condemned violence in Israel and Palestine.

A statement issued by the Union Network International on behalf of 12m trade union members worldwide, has urged Israel to withdraw from Palestinian cites, as well as calling on Arab leaders to end terror bombings.

UNI, which includes BECTU among its affiliates, supported the right of the media to report freely on the Israeli incursions into Palestinian cities, and condemned the attacks that have been made on media workers and facilities.

The statement came as a delegation organised by the International Congress of Free Trade Unions talked to union leaders from both sides of the conflict at meetings in Israel and Palestine.

UNI's statement reads:

"The UNI Management Committee, meeting in Nyon on 9-10 April 2002, expresses its horror at the deteriorating situation in the Middle East. The lives of working people and their families both Israeli and Palestinian are being lost. The human suffering has reached an intolerable level and is unacceptable to UNI affiliates around the world.

UNI welcomes the Global Unions mission to the Middle East. We hope that this mission, which will involve meetings with Israeli and Palestine trade union leaders, will bring a commitment from them to take steps with their political leaders to end violence and return to negotiations. UNI must continue to work with its affiliates both in the Histadrut and the PGFTU to build peace and for the recognition of human and trade union rights.

UNI is dismayed at the vicious spiral of attacks. We support the call in UN Resolution 1402 for the immediate withdrawal of Israeli troops from Palestinian cities. We call for a cessation of acts of terror against Israeli citizens. We call upon Palestinian and Arab leaders to act to end terror bombings. Both parties must move directly to a meaningful ceasefire and for an immediate end to all acts of violence, terror, provocation, incitement and destruction.

We are particularly concerned at the attacks on media workers and media facilities. It is imperative that all obstacles to free reporting are lifted.

UNI supports UN Resolution 1397, which affirms a vision of a region where two states, Israel and Palestine, live side by side, within secure and recognized borders. UNI confirms its support for the demand for self-determination of the Palestinian people.

On behalf of UNI members, we call for an end to violence and a return to the peace process."

11 April 2002
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