Women's agenda for BECTU

BECTU is running a conference for women activists and members on 1 November 2003.

The conference will be held at the Resource Centre, Holloway Road, London from 0930 to 1630.

BECTU believes women are the key to the future of Trade Unions. More and more women are joining unions, while increasing numbers are taking leading responsibilities as representatives and officials.

Issues that were once marginalised as women's issues, such as childcare and work-life balance, are now on the mainstream bargaining agenda.

The union believes now is the time to draw up a balance sheet of what has been achieved and to discuss a strategy for the future.

It will be a small working conference, designed to lay out a practical but ambitious strategy to prepare BECTU to meet the needs of women members and to appeal to the many thousands of women in our industries who have yet to join the union.

The conference is an opportunity for members to add their voice to the creation of that strategy.

Keynote Speakers includes Frances O'Grady, Deputy General Secretary TUC and Dinah Caine (invited), Chief Executive Skillset.

Workshops to be held:

  • Getting active in BECTU
  • Assertiveness skills for better negotiating
  • Getting work-life balance on the agenda
  • BECTU campaign: domestic violence is a workplace issue

Members wishing to attend should email women@bectu.org.uk or contact Tracey Hunt at BECTU head office.

Places are very limited at the conference and will be allocated on the basis of 'first come first served' - closing date for applications is 17 October 2003. A creche will be available.

This conference is organised in partnership with the GFTU.

8 October 2003