MTV possible legal action

Proposals at MTV could lead BECTU to taking legal action to gain union recognition at the company.

MTV Networks Europe, broadcaster of the music channel MTV, could be the first company to be the subject of a bid for BECTU recognition using the new Employment Relations Act.

In recent weeks membership amongst staff there has soared following proposals from the company to worsen staff terms and conditions.

Staff in Broadcast Services, the company's resource department, are up-in-arms about plans to cut holiday entitlement by a third, increase working hours and generally introduce more oppressive clauses into staff contracts. While the company presented the new contracts to staff as a fait accompli it has recently been stressing its commitment to "open dialogue".

Staff, however, remain sceptical due to the company's preference for its "consultation process" over the clear request of staff for union representation. If the company does not back track members are poised to use new legislation which will permit union assistance at individual grievance hearings.

"Developments at MTV have moved quickly in recent weeks. Whilst we are providing information and advice to a large group of individual members we also have sufficient support to go forward with a formal bid for recognition. We want to build on that support to launch a bid before Christmas" explained BECTU official Sharon Elliott.

27 October 2000