New pay offer halts ITV action
Strike action this weekend at ITV has been suspended while members vote on a revised pay package tabled after a stoppage.
ITV Birmingham members on strike
Ballot papers are due to be mailed to members on April 15, once ITV has formally confirmed the details of the new package, which will be included in the mailing.
"In the light of ITV's response to last weekend's successful strikes representatives considered it important to offer members an opportunity to review the new offer tabled by management" commented Sharon Elliott, BECTU's Independent Broadcasting official.
ITV agreed to resume pay talks following 36-hour stoppage in its main production centres which started on April 9, and was supported by walk-outs at other ITV sites.
Union officials hailed the strike as a success, as production on soap operas and entertainment programmes was disrupted, and saluted the determination of members.
Freelance union members also received plaudits - many turned down short-notice engagements offered to them as ITV attempted to circumvent the strike action by using replacement labour.
"I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone - and in particular ITV staff and our freelance membership - for their considerable support last weekend. Our job may not yet be done, but we have made progress", said Elliott.
Unions officials plan to make no recommendation on acceptance or rejection of the offer, and have kept open the legal right to resume action if members turn it down.
A 12-week window from the close of the industrial action ballot last month, during which strikers have statutory protection from retaliation by employers, will be frozen while members vote. If further action is called, the clock will begin counting again.
Balloting on the new offer closes on April 29.