Football channel votes for recognition
Staff at Manchester United's own TV channel have voted for BECTU to organise and represent them at work.
In a ballot of MUTV's workforce run by government agency ACAS, under new labour laws on union recognition, 13 of the 16 staff participating backed BECTU.
MUTV is the television channel dedicated to Manchester United.
The result gave BECTU automatic recognition for collective bargaining, because more than 40% of the total workforce of 22 voted in favour of the union.
Officials now hope to cooperate with the channel's management in drafting a formal recognition agreement which will allow the union to bargain over pay, conditions, and other staff issues.
The new group of BECTU members at MUTV join hundreds of others in the Broadcast and Entertainment industry who have won recognition through the legislation introduced by the last Labour government.
MUTV, with studios in Manchester United's Old Trafford ground, transmits Manchester United matches and specially-made programmes about the club from 5pm every evening for a subscription of £6.00 per month.