Channel 4 holiday pay out

Channel 4 have said there is an error in the calculation of their holiday payments and have proposed to remedy the situation.

As reported on this site, earlier in the year the BBC agreed to pay backdated increases in holiday pay as a result of the Working Time Directive.

The union subsequently wrote to a number of other broadcasting organisations, including Channel 4, ITN, S4C and ITV, questioning whether similar pay outs might be due.

At a recent meeting, Channel 4 confirmed that they have also been in error in the calculation of holiday pay in relation to Night Pay Allowance and put forward proposals to remedy the situation.

Channel 4 have stated they have been advised not to backdate the underpayment to 1998 pending the outcome of a legal appeal elsewhere (Ainsworth v The Inland Revenue). However, BECTU have indicated that they will be claiming the backdated amount should the appeal fail.

BECTU National Official Nigel Mason commented: "We are obviously delighted that many of our members in Channel 4 will benefit as a result of this matter.

"It is only fair to note the professional way Channel 4 have dealt with this issue since we brought it to their attention".

The union will continue to look at other employers who may be failing to properly calculate holiday pay.

Any member with a query on this matter should contact BECTU Head Office on [email protected]

16 December 2005