Scottish freelances register dispute

Negotiators for BECTU's Scottish Freelance Branch have registered a failure to agree in their pay talks with BBC Scotland.

Last week management rejected the union's claim for a 4% rise on all freelance and casual rates in the BECTU/BBC Scotland Freelance Agreement. The agreement covers all freelances and casuals working across all areas of the BBC in Scotland including the BBC's flagship series "River City".

"While good progress has been made recently on a number of issues relating to River City, the negotiating team were disappointed at the negative line adopted by BBC Scotland at last week's meeting," commented Scottish Organiser, Paul McManus.

The management team argued that the rates agreed in 2006 remain highly competitive when compared to industry standards and to staff rates.

Yet data provided by the BBC itself shows that with the exception of camera operators who earn 90p an hour more than staff operators, other freelance grades earn less than their staff equivalents and in some cases by as much as £5 per hour.

Compared with previous PACT/BECTU grades some freelances earn as much as £60 per day less working for BBC Scotland.

The Scottish Freelance Branch is determined to take a firm stand on this issue given the 10-year standstill on rates for BBC work which preceded the union's historic freelance agreement with the BBC in 2006.

Paul McManus has urged the BBC to reconsider its position. In the meantime he is progressing the dispute to the last stage of the procedure - a formal meeting with BBC management in London - which is likely to take place next month.

Tuesday 22 January 2008