Hair and Make-Up recommends rates
The Hair and Make-Up Branch has published its recommended rates for work on the range of broadcast and film output.
Make-up demonstration at BECTU North West Fair. (Picture: Rob Lawson)
The guidance on hair and make-up rates, which reflects the experience of members in the field, has been endorsed by the Branch and by BECTU.
The union’s recommendation is that freelances should accept no less than the rates quoted.
This latest guidance complements the information produced by the Camera Branch for its members and by BECTU officials for freelances working on Factual TV programmes.
Discussions with PACT to agree an increase for 2008 on all minimum rates quoted in the freelance production agreement have yet to conclude.
In the meantime, BECTU’s Branches will continue to compile and issue their own guidance to assist members, which will be included in the full list of agreements and rates.
Thursday 1 May 2008