Consultants report prompts ITV cuts
The London Studios, part of ITV, has started a 30-day consultation with BECTU over proposed job losses.
ITV’s London Television Centre, home of The London Studios. (Picture: Stefano Cagnoni)
ITV management have relied, at least in part, on an exercise carried out by Boston Consulting Group to justify proposals for job cuts at one of London’s best studio complexes.
Not suprisingly for an exercise such as this, the consultant’s report showed that programme makers rate the high-calibre and range of facilities available at the London Studios, but want to pay less.
BECTU officials met with TLS management on 29 July to start the consultation; management have indicated an intention to close 30 posts and to introduce 21 new positions.
The areas affected by the proposed restructuring include studio maintenance, studio sound, wardrobe and make-up, front of house and scenic services.
TLS management say their objective is to cut staff costs in order to attract new and returning clients to secure the Studios’ long term future; a £6million refurbishment is also planned which includes equipping for HD.
Management plan to adopt selection criteria to determine appointments to the new positions and have not ruled out compulsory redundancies where skills and numbers do not match up.
Both sides have agreed, however, that the first step should be a trawl for volunteers which is to get underway shortly.
BECTU Supervisory Official David Beevers said: "It is our aim to come out of these consultations without any compulsory redundancies. We are seeking to achieve any reductions through voluntary means whilst exploring proposals aimed at mitigating some of the losses.”
BECTU has requested further disclosure of the justifications for the proposed job cuts in what is a profitable part of ITV’s business. A second consultation meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 13 August.
Friday 1 August 2008