Amendments to policy propositions

Listed below are amendments submitted by one Branch and the National Executive Committee to policy propositions.

The text of the propositions are shown with the amendment following. The Standing Orders Committee has not rejected any amendments.

AP11 Working Time Regulations

That this annual conference notes that the Working Time Regulations are worded in such a way that unscrupulous employers continue to demand excessive working hours and to deny workers their statutory breaks.

In particular the facility to have derogations on breaks adversely affects freelances and casuals, thereby making permanent employment vulnerable.

Accordingly this conference instructs the NEC to campaign in the TUC and Labour Party for:

  1. improvements to the Working Time Regulations
  2. more effective penalties
  3. collective legal action with the trade union able to pursue claims.

Northern Freelance


Add at end of second paragraph:"Employers who ask potential employees to sign away their statutory rights on a contract of employment should be highlighted, for example in the same way as in the 'Ask First' section of the union journal."

Sound West Freelance

AP15 Privatisation

That this annual conference deplores the government's continuation of Tory privatisation policies. Conference considers that PFI (Private Finance Initiatives) and PPP (Public-Private Partnership) schemes being used in areas like the NHS, London Underground and schools, etc., are nothing more than privatisation by another name; even in the wake of the Paddington rail disaster, public safety is being placed at risk with New Labour's plans to privatise Air Traffic Control and the Tube. Conference calls on the NEC to campaign vigorously against PFI and PPP inside the Labour Party and the TUC, to write a letter to the Prime Minister expressing the union's opposition, take this motion to the TUC and Labour Party conferences, and give support to campaigns or protests launched against PFI or PPP schemes.

Information Technology Services


In the last sentence, delete "take this motion to" and insert "support motions against PFI and PPP at", and before "campaigns and protests" insert "TUC-supported"

National Executive Committee

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Last updated 4 April 2000