Conference archive home
Annual Conference 2010
The Conference took place 15 May 2010 at Bournemouth.
Conference 2010 at The Royal Bath Hotel, Bournemouth (Picture: Tony Scott)
Annual Conference honoured several representatives for their special contribution to the work of the union.
BECTU representatives meeting in Bournemouth on Saturday 15 May debated a number of motions.
Representatives from across the country convene in Bournemouth on Saturday 15 May for the Annual Conference.
Planning for next year's Annual Conference in Bournemouth is well underway.
All Rules references at the 2010 Conference are to the BECTU 2008 Rules.
Annual Conference 2009
The Conference took place 25 April 2009 at Bournemouth.
Details of how Conference voted on proposed policy propositions (motions).
Agenda for Annual Conference including the NEC Report to Conference.
Proposals by Branches and the NEC accepted and rejected by Conference Standing Orders Committee.
The timetable for the run up to Conference issued by the Standing Orders Committee (SOC).
Membership of the Conference SOC.
All Rules references at the 2009 Conference are to the BECTU 2008 Rules.
Rules Revision and Annual Conference 2008
The Conference took place 9-10 May 2008 at Liverpool.
Conference 2008 (Picture: Tony Scott)
Details of how Conference voted on proposed Rule changes and policy propositions (motions).
Interactive diary on both the run up and during Conference itself.
Agenda for the Rules Revision and Annual Conference including the NEC Report to Conference.
BECTU's National Executive Committee (NEC) Report to Conference.
Propositions previously accepted by the Standing Orders Committee with accepted and rejected amendments.
Proposals by Branches and the NEC accepted and rejected by Conference Standing Orders Committee.
The timetable for the run up to Conference issued by the Standing Orders Committee (SOC).
Membership of the Conference SOC.
All Rules references at the 2008 Conference are to the BECTU 2006 Rules.
Annual Conference 2007
The Conference took place on 28 April 2007 at Bournemouth.
The scene at Conference 2007 (Picture: Tony Scott)
Details of how Conference voted on proposed policy propositions (motions).
Interactive diary on both the run up and during Conference itself.
Agenda for Annual Conference including the NEC Report to Conference.
Propositions previously accepted by the Standing Orders Committee with accepted and rejected amendments.
Proposals by Branches and the NEC accepted and rejected by Conference Standing Orders Committee.
The timetable for the run up to Conference issued by the Standing Orders Committee (SOC).
Membership of the Conference SOC.
All Rules references at the 2007 Conference are to the BECTU 2006 Rules.
Annual Conference 2006
The Conference took place on 21 May 2006 at Eastbourne.
Conference 2006 meets (Picture: Tony Scott)
Details of how Conference voted on proposed policy propositions (motions).
Interactive diary on both the run up and during Conference itself.
Agenda for Annual Conference including the NEC Report to Conference.
Propositions previously accepted by the Standing Orders Committee with accepted and rejected amendments.
Proposals by Branches and the NEC accepted and rejected by Conference Standing Orders Committee.
The timetable for the run up to Conference issued by the Standing Orders Committee (SOC).
Membership of the Conference SOC.
All Rules references at the 2006 Conference are to the BECTU 2005 Rules.
Rules Revision and Annual Conference 2005
The Conference took place 4-5 June 2005 at Liverpool.
The scene at Conference 2005 (Picture: Tony Scott)
Details of how Conference voted on proposed Rule changes and policy propositions (motions).
Agenda for Rules Revision and Annual Conferences including the NEC Report to Conference.
Propositions previously accepted by the Standing Orders Committee with accepted and rejected amendments.
Proposals by Branches and the NEC accepted and rejected by Conference Standing Orders Committee.
The timetable for the run up to Conference issued by the Standing Orders Committee (SOC).
Membership of the Conference SOC.
All Rules references at the 2005 Conference are to the BECTU 2004 Rules.
Annual Conference 2004
The Conference took place on 8 May 2004 at Liverpool.
Conference 2004 in the faded splendour of the Adelphi Liverpool (Picture: Tony Scott)
Details of how Conference voted on proposed policy propositions (motions).
Agenda for Annual Conference including the NEC Report to Conference.
Propositions previously accepted by the Standing Orders Committee with accepted and rejected amendments.
Proposals by Branches and the NEC accepted and rejected by Conference Standing Orders Committee.
The timetable for the run up to Conference issued by the Standing Orders Committee (SOC).
Membership of the Conference SOC.
All Rules references at the 2004 Conference are to the BECTU 2003 Rules.
Annual Conference 2003
The Conference took place on 17 May 2003 at Eastbourne.
GS Roger Bolton addresses the 2003 Conference (Picture: Tony Scott)
Details of how Conference voted on proposed policy propositions (motions).
Agenda for Annual Conference including the NEC Report to Conference.
Propositions previously accepted by the Standing Orders Committee with accepted and rejected amendments.
Proposals by Branches and the NEC accepted and rejected by Conference Standing Orders Committee.
The timetable for the run up to Conference issued by the Standing Orders Committee (SOC).
Membership of the Conference SOC.
All Rules references at the 2003 Conference are to the BECTU 2002 Rules.
Rules Revision and Annual Conference 2002
The Conference took place on 18-19 May 2002 at Manchester.
The scene at Conference 2002 (Picture: Tony Scott)
Details of how Conference voted on proposed Rule changes and policy propositions (motions).
Agenda for the Rules Revision and Annual Conference.
Propositions previously accepted by the Standing Orders Committee with accepted and rejected amendments.
Proposals by Branches and the NEC accepted and rejected by Conference Standing Orders Committee.
The timetable for the run up to Conference issued by the Standing Orders Committee (SOC).
Membership of the Conference SOC.
All Rules references at the 2002 Conference are to the BECTU 2001 Rules.
Annual Conference 2001
The Conference took place on 12 May 2001 at the UK coastal town of Eastbourne.
Inside Conference 2001 (Picture: Tony Scott)
Details of how Conference voted on policy propositions (motions).
The report by the union's NEC (National Executive Committee) to the 2001 Conference along with policy propositions.
Summary Agenda and Standing Orders for Annual Conference.
Propositions previously accepted by the Standing Orders Committee with accepted and rejected amendments.
Policy propositions submitted by Branches and NEC accepted and rejected by Conference Standing Orders Committee.
The timetable for the run up to Conference issued by the Standing Orders Committee (SOC).
Membership of the Conference SOC.
All Rules references at the 2000 Conference are to the BECTU Rule Book dated 1999.
Annual Conference 2000
The Conference took place on Saturday 6 May 2000 at the Manchester Conference Centre.
Debate at the union's 2000 Conference (Picture: Tony Scott)
Details of how Conference voted on policy propositions (motions).
The report by the union's NEC (National Executive Committee) to the 2000 Conference along with policy propositions.
Summary Agenda and Standing Orders for Annual Conference.
Propositions previously accepted by the Standing Orders Committee with accepted amendments.
Policy propositions submitted by Branches accepted and rejected by Conference Standing Orders Committee.
The timetable for the run up to Conference issued by the Standing Orders Committee (SOC).
Membership of the Conference SOC.
Details of Conference venue and delegates accommodation.
All Rules references at the 2000 Conference are to the BECTU Rule Book dated 1999.
Rules Revision and Annual Conference 1999
The Conference took place on 12-13 June 1999 at the Bournemouth International Conference Centre on the UK south coast.
BECTU 1999 Conference at Bournemouth
Details of how Conference voted on proposed changes to the BECTU Rule Book.
Details of how Conference voted on policy propositions (motions).
The report by the union's NEC (National Executive Committee) to the 1999 Conference along with policy propositions.
Summary Agenda and Standing Orders for both the Rules Revision and Annual Conference.
Membership of the Conference SOC.
The timetable for the run up to Conference issued by the Standing Orders Committee (SOC).
Details of Conference venue and delegates accommodation.
A number of Divisional Conferences took place on 14 June 1999 in conjunction with the main Conference.
Proposals by Branches and the NEC accepted and rejected by Conference Standing Orders Committee.
All Rules references at the 1999 Conference are to the BECTU Rule Book dated 1998. This is available as a A4 size publication with the words 'Reprinted with corrections 1998' on the cover. It is virtually identical with the revised Rule Book issued in 1996, except that the subscriptions rule (rule 9) is scored through on page 6 and 7 in favour of amended text of rule 9 printed on page 29. Though the 1996 Rule Book can be used for most purposes of the 1999 Conference, it is preferable that all references be to the 1998 corrected reprint.
Annual Conference 1998
The Conference took place on Saturday 16 May 1998 at the Manchester Conference Centre and was attended by Branch delegates from all parts of the union.
Details of how Conference voted on propositions (motions).
The report by the union's NEC (National Executive Committee) to Conference.
The timetable for the run up to Conference issued by the Standing Orders Committee (SOC).
A number of Divisional Conferences took place in Manchester in conjunction with the Annual Conference.
The NEC exercised its powers to hold no Annual Conference in 1997 as an economy measure. Therefore the 1998 Conference included issues that would have been dealt with at a 1997 conference.
All references to the BECTU Rule Book at the 1998 Conference were to the A4 size rule book published in May 1996 with the words 'As altered 1996' appearing on the cover.