Union representatives, who lead Bectu's support for members at branch level, are amongst our greatest assets. Our reps are central to the union's ability to recruit and represent members effectively and they play a leading role in developing union policy across the union. Elected by branch members, our reps are vital to Bectu's understanding of the issues facing the workforce.
Whether our members work as staff or freelancers, they're helped day to day by union reps with advice and representation. In turn, our union reps, receive substantial support from the union's staff based at our offices in London, Glasgow, Salford Quays, Birmingham and Cardiff.
Fancy becoming a rep?
We encourage Bectu members to take part in Bectu's activities. But why not take this further and become a rep? The training we provide is not only good for your union role, but good for life, increasing your understanding of employment issues, enhancing your confidence and strengthening your negotiating skills. Become a union rep and you'll be on the road to developing new life-long skills. Find out about reps training.
If you'd like to become a rep, discuss this with members of your branch committee or contact your national official.
What's involved?
Several separate roles exist covering branch administration ((branch secretary), representation (steward), recruitment, equality, learning, health and safety and web-editing.
Branches decide on what they need bearing in mind the size of the branch's membership, workplace/campaign priorities and the amount of business which is generated. What is certain is that branch officials welcome new members and active members. If you'd like to become active, you could start by offering to join your committee?
Branch web pages
Every Bectu branch has the option to use a dedicated branch area (visible to members only subject to log-in). We've run courses on how to use/edit the pages (in effect they are mini-websites) and will do so again; for now though you may find the documents attached to this page useful. Branch secretaries also have the option to use the member-only area to help manage branch business; a document attached to this page tells you how.
Social media: advice for BECTU account holders
Several branch reps run social media accounts specifically to assist with branch business and BECTU encourages this activity. However recent developments have brought these communications within the scope of UK libel law. As a result the union has drawn up a Code of Practice to guide reps on factors to take into account when working with digital media. We're encouraging all reps to read the code.
If you use social media, follow us, like us, share our pages to help Bectu to reach more of the people we want to help and recruit.
Benefits & services and promo materials - order yours
Current information on joining online and union application forms are available here: www.bectu.org.uk/join
The latest Benefits & Services and Working for Freelancers booklets (the latter focuses on low-cost public liability insurance) can be downloaded from this page www.bectu.org.uk/benefits-services
Where union noticeboards are available it's important that we use them to help to highlight Bectu's profile in the workplace.