Cineworld pay ballot extended

The ballot deadline on Cineworld's pay offer has been extended to 19 October due to the CWU postal workers' strike action.

Picture of Cineworld sign

Cineworld ballot extended

The ballot is being held on a RPI (inflation rate) pay offer for 2007-2008, which negotiators are recommending members' accept.

National Official Jim Johnstone and Cineworld Sub-Divisional Chair Mick Corfield took the decision to extend the date following fears by members that the strike would affect their ability to receive and return ballot papers.

Mick Corfield said: "We hope this allays members' fears of a true ballot result not being inclusive of all our members.

"We would ask members who have received their ballot papers to post them back as soon as possible, in line with the advice given by the Post Office."

8 October 2007