New communications course

A new communications course for women activists is to be held in April.

Following the successful Women Organising for Growth course held in January, BECTU is now offering a new course designed to boost the communication skills and confidence of new and emerging women activists.

Procedures, Presentation and Communication Skills for Women is designed for any woman BECTU representative or activist who has felt confused, inhibited or left out at a formal meeting.

This one day course will look at how the standard procedures for meetings work, and at how women can participate more in the work of BECTU, through developing their presentation and communication skills.

The course is open to new and emerging women activists from any area of the union and will be held on Friday 19 April 2002 at BECTU's London Head Office in Soho, 0930-1700.

BECTU will cover the cost of travel expenses and lunch for those attending the course.

BECTU members interested in attending this course should contact Tracey Hunt to book a place.

Members interested in receiving details of other BECTU training courses for women members should contact Trish Lavelle

7 March 2002
Amended 11 March 2002