2007 BECTU Conference
Conference 2006 meets
BECTU's next Annual Conference will be held in Bournemouth during April 2007.
Branch delegates from all parts of the union will be attending the Conference, which will debate:
- BECTU's National Executive Committee (NEC) report to Conference.
- Policy motions submitted by both Branches and the NEC.
The Conference takes place on Saturday 28 April 2007 at the Royal Bath Hotel in Bournemouth.
The Standing Orders Committee (SOC), which has responsibility for deadlines and the agenda for the Conference, has issued the timetable for the Conference, which includes a 6 February 2007 deadline for receipt of proposed motions (propositions) from Branches.
BECTU Branch Secretaries have been sent details about the Conference by the union Head Office.
If BECTU members have ideas for:
- Motions which they would like their Branch to put forward; or
- If they are interested in representing their Branch as a delegate
they should contact their local Branch.
Women, black and disabled members are especially encouraged to put themselves forward as Conference delegates.
The SOC requests that Branches begin now to arrange general meetings of members in relation to the SOC's schedule of dates, in order to consider and submit on time proposed propositions, amendments and nominations, and to consider the appointment of delegates.
The SOC is willing to help Branches frame their proposals, but if Branches wish to avail themselves of this they must submit a draft proposition well in advance of the 6 February 2007 closing date, with a written request for SOC assistance. Correspondence should be addressed to the SOC, c/o David Cormack (Administrative Officer) [email protected] at BECTU Head Office.
Conference is the supreme policy-making and governing body of the union and BECTU Branches are encouraged by the SOC to play their full part.