MTV contract changes put on hold

Music broadcaster MTV has postponed changes in staff contracts following union protests.

Changes in employment contracts for staff at the Camden-based company, originally scheduled for January 1, will not be introduced until the company has consulted its workforce.

However MTV has warned that contracts will be changed after the consultation period ends on February 21, and the union is concerned that cuts in holiday entitlement and bank holiday payments for the company's Broadcast Services staff could then be imposed without consent.

A union meeting for staff at MTV is scheduled for January 10.

Go to details of meeting

The plan to change contracts on New Year's Day was dropped after BECTU threatened legal action on the grounds that insufficient notice had been given to staff.

Although the union is not officially recognised by MTV for collective bargaining, BECTU has a growing number of members at the company, who have been urged to resist the changes in conditions of service contained in the new contracts.

Claims that MTV needs to make cost savings are, according the union, contradicted by company accounts which show a healthy profit. The union has also rejected accusations of uncompetitive working practices, pointing out that terms and conditions at MTV are already worse than those at most other mainstream broadcasters.

Separate from the argument over contracts, BECTU has lodged a formal application with MTV for recognition of the union for collective bargaining. If the company refuses to discuss the creation of a recognition agreement, the union is likely to invoke new labour laws which give the government's Central Arbitration Committee the right to impose recognition deals with the support of employees.


Members and non-members welcome

6.30 pm
Wednesday 10th January 2001
The Lock Tavern
Chalk Farm Road

5 January 2001