Liverpool to host BECTU Conference
Liverpool, this year’s City of Culture, is to host BECTU’s 2008 Conference on Friday and Saturday 9-10 May.
Annual Conference 2007. (Picture: Tony Scott)
The union’s key annual event, which this year incorporates a revision of the union’s Rules, will also be presented in a new format with the addition of workshops on key themes affecting the union.
BECTU’s Communications Officer Sharon Elliott commented: “Annual Conference is the key event in the union’s calendar and provides a vital opportunity for Branch Representatives to interact with each other, the union’s officials and the NEC.
“The past year’s work is reviewed of course and objectives are set for the future.
“This year Conference delegates will also have the opportunity to take part in one of three workshops on issues of prime importance to our membership”.
Conference timetable
BECTU Branch Representatives should be aware that two deadlines are approaching in the Conference timetable:
- Thursday 31 January 2008 (12 noon) - closing date for receipt of proposed propositions and Rule changes.
- Friday 28 March 2008 - closing dates for notifying delegates’ details. Prospective Branch delegates to Conference will also be asked to indicate their workshop preference, the choices being:
- The impact of the Olympics 2012
- The role of “union busters”
- How green are our industries?
David Cormack, BECTU’s Administrative Officer, is the union’s lead conference organiser.
Essential information about conference, including the required forms and branch delegate entitlement information, has already been issued by David to Branch Secretaries.
If you have any queries about this information please email David (well in advance of the deadlines please!) [email protected]
Lively and varied
Sharon Elliott said: “Delegates can look forward to a lively and varied conference this year with the bonus of having some opportunity to sample Liverpool as it shows off both its cultural heritage and its cultural connections.
“We hope that Branches are busy considering their propositions and deciding who will represent them this year.
“Conference is a great way to introduce new representatives to all that the union has to offer and to expand viewpoints beyond local issues; branch officials should also take this opportunity to involve underpresented groups in the union’s affairs - we would welcome more women, BME and disabled representatives to conference this year”.
Liverpool’s Britannia Adelphi Hotel will accomodate delegates and the Conference itself.
Tuesday 22 January 2008