Labour links confirmed
Debate at BECTU's Annual Conference in Bournemouth. (Picture: Tony Scott)
BECTU's links with the Labour Party have again been confirmed at the union's 2007 Annual Conference.
The Conference overwhelmingly rejected calls by the Film Artistes to disaffiliate from the Labour Party on financial grounds.
This confirms the position of successive BECTU Conferences since 2000.
Conference, meeting on 28 April in Bournemouth, also supported motions highlighting the BBC by opposing "any measures the BBC tries to put in place to fund the licence fee deficit from staff remuneration and conditions".
Other motions condemning the proposed BBC Resources sell-off and the off-shoring of finance were also carried.
An emergency proposition on kidnapped BBC journalist Alan Johnston was agreed by all delegates:
The Conference also agreed:This conference recognises the plight of Alan Johnston and instructs the NEC to write to his family to express solidarity and support at this difficult time.
Furthermore we instruct the NEC to make all possible representations to appropriate media organisation to encourage them to campaign for his immediate release unharmed.
- A green audit of the union
- All production companies must be bonded to protect crew wages
- Payment on time for agency and temporary workers
More details can be found in the Conference blog 2007.