BECTU defers website launch

The launch of BECTU’s new website, which it was expected would take place this week, has been deferred.

A review of members’ access arrangements led to a decision to strengthen the processes. Additional work will start shortly, followed by more testing ahead of the launch. The new site is now likely to go live in March.

“Branch officials should find that the new tools help to improve communication with their members and enliven branch activity.”

“It is disappointing that delivery of the new site has been delayed, however we will be using the additional time to improve members’ access to services available through the site and to expand the content.

“The next few weeks will also see the start of training to support the development. BECTU officials, branch web page editors and branch secretaries will be the first in line to be briefed on how to use the functions which the new site offers,” commented Sharon Elliott, BECTU’s Communications Officer.

Amongst substantial new functionality, the remodelled site will host specific pages for branch use only.

Branch officials should find that the new tools help to improve communication with their members and enliven branch activity. Branches who have yet to appoint their web page editor(s) are being encouraged to let BECTU know who their nominees are so that training can be offered.

Branch secretaries will have better access to branch information through the site and are also being offered training to use the new facilities. Branch secretaries should contact BECTU for the course schedule.

“The new website is designed to improve communications throughout BECTU. Training for our officials in the use of the site is an essential part of the project and is vital to its success. We look forward to hearing from our representatives,” said BECTU’s Training Officer, Brian Kelly.

Friday 23 January 2009