
In September 2001 the Directors' Alliance replaced the Director's Rights Campaign.
This area gives details of the Director's Rights Campaign, which ran between 1999 and 2001.
BECTU, the Directors' and Producers' Rights Society (DPRS) and the
Directors Guild of Great Britain (DGGB) are running a joint campaign to
win a fair deal for all freelance directors.
If you are a freelance film or television director, this campaign affects your future income and rights:
- As a freelance director you now own a share of the
copyright in, and are an author of, every work you direct.
- Every time you sign a buyout contract you give away your rights.
You will receive nothing when your film or programme is sold, repeated or
- Writers, composers, musicians and actors benefit from sales and
repeats of their work. So should directors. It's only fair.
- We need a sanction to force broadcasters to negotiate with us. We
need to act together.
- Your new rights offer the first chance of collective action by
directors for 25 years.
- To do this, you need to 'assign' your rights to the Directors' and
Producers' Rights Society who will then act on behalf of all of us.
- Time is running out. Powerful forces are threatening all authors'
rights. This could be your last chance to gain a share in the future
success of your work.
All BECTU members are already Associate Members of the DPRS. In order
for this campaign to succeed we need directors to register as Full Members.
To contact the DPRS email [email protected] or telephone 0171 631 1077.
Related pages
Directors' Alliance formed
New deal for TV directors
Directors back more talks on rights
Directors key meeting
Directors meetings
Directors back campaign
Pressure building in directors' campaign
Directors' campaign continues
Directors' rights campaign
Top of page
Last updated 10 September 2001