2008 LPD Conference announced
Details of BECTU’s 2008 London Production Division Annual Conference have been announced.
Regents College NW1: Venue for LPD 2008 Conference
The Conference, covering members in the union’s London Production Division, will discuss the past year in film and broadcasting, as well as looking forward to 2009.
It will also consider policy motions and changes to the Division’s Bye Laws proposed by Branches.
The Conference takes place on Sunday 26 October 2008 at Regent’s College, Regents Park, London NW1.
Branches can send members to the Conference on the basis of one delegate for every 100 members or part thereof.
LPD Conference timetable
- Friday 18 July 2008 - Closing date for the receipt of policy propositions and alterations to Bye Laws.
- Wednesday 3 September 2008 - Propositions and alterations to Bye Laws accepted and rejected issued to Branches
- Wednesday 1 October 2008 - Closing date for amendments to policy propositions, alterations to Bye Laws and the notification of delegates
- Friday 10 October 2008 - Agenda issued to notified delegates
- Sunday 26 October 2008 - Closing date for nominations to the Divisional Standing Orders Committee by 1430.
Branches must submit proposed policy propositions and changes to the Division’s Bye Laws using the documentation circulated to Branch Secretaries in LPD.
Wednesday 2 July 2008